Content Marketing

Content Marketing

Content marketing is a marketing strategy used to attract, engage, and retain an audience by creating and sharing relevant articles, videos, podcasts, and other media

Content marketing includes things like educational articles, e-books, videos, entertainment, and webinars that answer specific questions people have and provide them with something they can't get elsewhere

If done right, such is the power of content marketing, that it can not only draw customers to your business, but also convince them about your product/service before they even contact you.


Blog Marketing is a content marketing strategy. The marketing strategy uses blogs to address potential customers directly and individually, thus achieving customer loyalty for their own brand. This type of marketing uses viral marketing methods in which an interest group is built based on a blog.

Blog Marketing Strategy. Your blog is an important component of your business marketing strategy and will hopefully market your products and services, but in order for it do this, you must market the blog itself. A blog marketing strategy is how you share and promote the content on your blog

Publishing on External Platforms

Writing and publishing blog posts or articles on your own website isn't good enough.

  •     Squarespace.
  •     Blogger.
  •     Wix.
  •     Medium.
  •     Tumblr.
  •     HubSpot.

Article Submission

Article Submission refers to an off-page SEO technique in which you write an article and publish it on the third-party website. It is a method by which you write articles that are related to your business and add them to the famous article submission directories.


Content Marketing Questions

Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience.Using blogs, eBooks, social media posts, graphics and videos, content marketing attracts potential customers, keeps them engaged and moves them further  along the sales funnel.

A good content marketing strategy helps to –

• Increase your site traffic- Good content always drives traffic to your website because it grabs attention of target customers and generates interest towards your products/services.

• Generate brand awareness-   A consistent theme, logo, taglines etc makes memorable impression on customer's memory, turns   into a big future deal.

• Educate the market-   Contents are always useful in educational prospects. Genuine information is the best way to achieve customer’s attention.

• Increase engagement with your brand- Contents are the key factors to keep your audiences engaged with your services whether it’s any update or some interesting facts about your service.

• Generate sales in the medium term-   Good content drives traffic to your website. It can generate sales also in medium term. But content should be relevant and also consistent.

• Boost lead generation-   Attractive content tends customers to visit your website to explore all other services you offer, in other terms, boosting lead generation.

• Increase the lifetime-value-   "Content is King”. It has power to engage genuine customers for life-time interactions.

• Reduce the cost of customer acquisition- Content creation is very cost effective approach to acquire customers.

That question gets at the heart of how content should be used. Content should address the motivations and needs of the customer at various points of their process, so that it strengthens their positive feelings about the brand, heightens their likelihood to convert, and increases their customer lifetime value.

The question hints at where marketing is heading overall. A synonym for traffic is “visitors,” which by definition are people who leave. Today’s best content marketers develop audiences. They focus on subscribers, not visitors; time spent, not views; holding attention, not merely acquiring it.

First, determine who your target audience is. Develop a customer persona to whom your content should speak. Then, based on that persona and your company’s brand image, decide on your company’s voice, and the type of content you will be creating. Your content needs to be informative and valuable, as well as interesting and engaging, to your target demographic. And once you start producing content, constant tweaking of your strategy is in order, based on how successful each post is.

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